Fantasy without limits

banner HGMIXThe modern HGMIX mixing system completes the missing spectrum of colour shades in the ready-made colour mixtures. The complete range of the system comprises several thousand colour shades, and the majority of top coatings of the HELIOS trademark are available in shops with suitable equipment and computer technology.

The HGMIX mixing system enables the preparation of the selected colour shade based on a larger number of colour charts, such as: HGMIX INTERIOR, TERRA, MONICOLOR 720, EUROTREND, RAL, NCS and several others.

How to obtain the desired colour shade?

The way to the desired colour shade is easy. Compare a sample of cloth, wallpaper, floor covering, ceramics, etc. with our colour samples in a shop with the HGMIX system. After selecting the desired colour shade, the colour will be prepared in the shop in the suitable quality and desired quantity.

List of stores with HGMIX mixing system

For additional information about our mixing systems, please visit Helios Tinting Website.