Colour of the month - Red

Red is the colour of action, warnings, the stop sign at a traffic light, used to attract the observer’s attention. Red is also the colour of love and passion, and associated with determination, courage and happiness. Together with blue and yellow, it is a primary colour and thus expresses a strong energy. A thoughtfully chosen red dress is noticed at a business meeting and radiates the wearer’s audacity and determination.

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There's no accounting for taste, as they say. So today we no longer discuss which colours are suitable for an interior and which are not, as there is no distinction. There is a suitable place for every shade, even red. Of course, the use of intense shades like red requires a little more thought and consideration of their influence on your sense of wellbeing.


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The meaning of colour in a space

Red is a colour of extremes - passion, love, danger and anger. In the home, red is best suited for the kitchen or dining room, as it promotes sociability, liveliness and stimulates the appetite, so it is no coincidence that it is common in restaurants. Red walls by the front door or in the hallway are welcoming and invite you to come in and socialize. In contrast, red is not recommended for spaces of work and study, as it does not facilitate concentration or productivity. It should also be used sparingly in the bedroom, a space of rest and relaxation. Instead of red walls in the color of love, choose red furniture and accessories to create a romantic atmosphere that does not disturb your sleep.


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If you still think red is too intense, you can choose from a wide range of combinations of red and white - from soft powdery white to strong shades of pink. Light shades of pink symbolize femininity, tenderness and motherhood. They are best suited for the bedroom, with their soothing effect of rest and relaxation. 

In rooms where you want to relax and unwind, use lighter shades of red, such as R01-6 or R03-4 according to HGMIX colour chart.


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The walls in a kids’ room painted in the shade R04-3 according to the HGMIX colour chart.

Visit the HGMIX website for the most beautiful shades of red.